Design your Modern Porfolio Now!

How to Turn Any GitHub Pages Website into Your Own Portfolio

Find GitHub Pages to Personalize

Visit any GitHub Pages website published online, such as Once you’ve found the one that resonates with you, follow the guide to transform it into your unique portfolio. Let’s showcase your journey!


So, you’ve found a fantastic GitHub Pages website that you want to turn into your personal portfolio? Great choice! In this guide, we’ll walk you through the process of forking any GitHub Pages repository and customizing it to showcase your projects, skills, and experiences.


Before we get started, make sure you have the following:

  • A GitHub account
  • Basic knowledge of Git and GitHub

Steps to Make It Yours

Github Repo for demo:

  1. Fork the Repository:
    • Fork the GitHub repository by navigating to the repository you want to use.
    • Click on the “Fork” button in the top right corner of the page.
    • Rename the forked repository as “”. For example, “your_github_page_name” is “naren200” for my github profile. So, I have created my project name as “”.
  2. Configure GitHub Pages:
    • Navigate to your repository’s Settings.
    • Under “Pages” in the left sidebar, find the “Build and deployment” section.
    • Set the branch to “main” and the folder to “/root”.
    • Save the changes.
  3. Check Your Website:
    • Your page is now building in the background. Give it 1-2 minutes.
    • After the build is complete, visit “” to see your website.
    • Visit “” or your custom pages to see your updated content.
  4. Customize the Content
  • Edit the HTML, CSS, and other files to reflect your information.
  • Update the “About Me,” “Projects,” “Experience,” and other sections with your details.

Getting Started to locally host and Modify your portfolio in linux!

To run the website locally and preview changes, follow these steps:

To preview changes locally, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository to your machine:

     git clone
  2. Navigate to the project folder:

  3. Install Jekyll and Bundler: Before running the site locally, ensure you have Jekyll and Bundler installed on your machine. Follow the steps:

  4. Install Jekyll dependencies: While in the project directory, run the following command to install the necessary dependencies using Bundler.
     bundle install
  5. Run your Jekyll site locally: Start the local development server using the following command:
     bundle exec jekyll serve

    Your site will be available at http://localhost:4000 or in your web browser.

  6. Preview Changes: Open your web browser and navigate to http://localhost:4000 or to preview the locally running site.

  7. Publish Your Changes: Once satisfied with your changes:
  • Commit and push your changes to GitHub.
  • GitHub Pages will automatically build and reflect your updates.
  1. Updating the GitHub Pages gem: Over a period of time, Keep your Jekyll environment up-to-date. Open your terminal and run the following command:
    • If you installed Bundler:
        bundle update github-pages
    • If you don’t have Bundler installed:
        gem update github-pages

By following these steps, you’ll have the necessary programs installed, and you’ll be able to launch and preview your GitHub Pages site locally.


Congratulations! You’ve successfully turned any GitHub Pages website into your personalized portfolio. Showcase your skills and experiences to the world. Best of luck!


Contributions are welcome! If you find issues or have suggestions over my template, open an issue or submit a pull request.


Design your Modern Porfolio Now! | @narendhiran2000