Design your Modern CV Now!

Make it Yours! Adapt My LaTeX Resume Template


I’m excited to share the recent updates I made to my LaTeX resume template. These changes aim to improve readability and create a more organized structure. Below, I’ll detail the modifications made and the rationale behind them.

Link to Updated Template:

Changes in Configuration under resume.tex

Fonts and Colors

I’ve fine-tuned the font settings and introduced a new color scheme for a visually appealing and professional look. Section titles are now highlighted with a specific color for better emphasis.

% Example: Adjusting color scheme
% ...

Social Information

I expanded the social information section to include links to my LinkedIn, GitHub, and personal portfolio. This offers a more comprehensive overview of my online presence.


Tips: At the social information header, If you want display “” instead of “”, then you need to modify the resume.cls file.

Navigate to the current file resume.cls and Remove the http:// from the 2nd line.


Personal Information

I replaced placeholder information with my actual name, contact details, and a link to my portfolio website. This ensures that the personal information section reflects accurate and up-to-date details.

\mobile{Your Mobile Number}
\email{Your Email}
\homepage{Your Portfolio URL}

CV/Resume Content

The header now displays my name in bold, and the footer includes my contact information. These changes enhance the overall balance and consistency of the document.

% Modify the header for bold name display
% ...


I’ve reordered and added new sections for a more comprehensive representation. Feel free to customize based on your preferences.

File Structure and Things to Change (cv/*.tex files)

Consider the following suggestions to enhance the file structure:

  1. Experience Section:
             {Your Company, Your Position}
             {Start Date - End Date}
                     \item Describe your achievements and responsibilities.
                     \item Highlight specific technologies or tools used.
  2. Certificates Section:
             {Certificate Title}
             {Issuing Organization}
             {Completion Date}
  3. Competitions Section:
             {Competition Name}
                     \item Describe your role and contributions.
                     \item Mention any awards or recognitions received.
  4. Education Section:
             {Degree, Major}
             {Graduation Date}
  5. Interests Section:
             {Interest Name}
             {Brief description of your interest or hobby.}
  6. Skills Section:
             {Category Name}
             {List of skills in that category.}

Feel free to incorporate these changes into your LaTeX template, adapting them as needed to match your unique preferences and requirements. Happy LaTeXing!

Design your Modern CV Now! | @narendhiran2000